Нашиот тим е во пораст. Ако имате искуство и ако сте посветени да бидете член на тим, сакате да работите во рамките на една група на млади професионалци и да направите чекор напред во својата кариера, Gecko ICT е вистинското место за вас. Ние ви нудиме можност да работите на многу предизвикувачки и интересни проекти во различни IT сектори, кои ви даваат можност да ги подобрите своите вештини. Аплицирајте на office@gecko.mk
  • Java Software Engineer

    Design and implementation of highly concurrent and scalable web applications and APIs. Participation in all phases of software development process.

    Qualifications Required

    - University degree in computer science (or equivalent)

    - 3+ years of professional experience in software development using Java web technologies

    - Experience with Spring framework and Spring security

    - Experience with Java Web services and REST/SOAP protocols

    - Proficiency with relational databases and SQL

    - Good interpersonal, communication and problem solving skills

    - Solid communication skills in English

    What else is a plus ?

    - Challenging tasks in a highly professional environment

    - Ability to learn from experienced colleagues

    - Working in small and skilled teams

    - Salaries and conditions which correspond to the high demands

    - Social events and sports (Dev and UX meetups, gym, volleyball, table tennis and more)

    We Offer

    Challenging tasks in a highly professional environment. Ability to learn from experienced colleagues. Working in small and skilled teams. Salaries and conditions which correspond to the high demands. Social events (Dev and UX meetups, gym, volleyball, table tennis and more).